Bianca Nijhof

Bianca is Global Lead for Nature Growth with Anthesis. She is a proven and successful leader in business and sustainability with an extensive network across business, governmental organisations and NGOs. She is an experienced communicator and natural collaborator with 30+ years of experience working on nature, biodiversity, water, natural capital, nature-based solutions, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), environmental social governance and education. As an ecologist by education, she worked across a variety of sectors and excels in integrated approaches working towards systems change, contributing to high value outcomes across sustainability, business transformation, capacity building, program management and stakeholder engagement. She is co-author of the Natural Capital Protocol and co-developer of BioScope.

Previously Bianca was the managing Director of the Netherlands Water Partnership, a strong network of Dutch water organisations, working worldwide on co-creating future-proof solutions and catalysing global water impact. While with Arcadis she leading a team of ecologist and archaeologist. She was a founding member of the Core Sustainability Team designing and implementing Arcadis NV sustainability strategy. Before that she worked as a scientist on vegetation mapping and landscape restoration for Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands, Carmabi Foundation in the Netherlands Antilles and the University of Greifswald in Germany.

Bianca is a Member of the Advisory Panel of the Capitals Coalition, Member of the Value Commission, Member of Strategic Council of the International Water Association (IWA), Board Member of Arctic Basecamp, Co-chair of the Foundation Board of Workplace Pride, Commissioner to the Business Commission to Tackle Inequality (BCTI), Member of the Sustainability Commission of the Dutch Mountaineering Association (NKBV) and is teaching on nature, biodiversity and water at the ESG Academy.

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